with no energy!
I am finally on my way to recovering
from this terrible cold with a horrific cough!
so i thought i'd share a little of
my studio...
my new obsession, pearls...
knottong, stringing & wrapping
a new carte blanch i'm working on
I need to add a beautful quote...
brushes and antlers
me and my best pals...
my new "dunn edwards" drop cloth curtains!
I love them. the french tassle makes them look so expensive
especially how they puddle...
some of my linen and cotton stash,
notice the kaffe fassett books and fabrics...
i love his design and colors
cathy cullis, one of many
adorning my home...
i love her work
another special piece
a stephanie lee original
this little jar,
another cathy cullis...
my angels...
the left side of my window,
I love how these curtains came out!
they make great table cloths too!
ramona paloma pocelain
remaking a vintage ribbon
tiny sailors heart
just complete...
little nooks...
that inspire
to the right you can see a corner of my
lineage piece made by angela cartwright
and a little cathy cullis house,
both artists are featured in the new
somerset studio magazine!
one of my creative spaces...
this little nest is shaped like a heart
my husband found it with the egg and feather...
did I share I was published in both
artist cafe for my "carte blanche" article
& pasticcio featuring my "missionary man"
thank you for keeping me busy today!